
Homeworld: Crypt
Description: The Mephistacles are the generals of the demon lord's armies, frequently leading thousands of demons and devils in their war against the forces of Sikkar. While the hellish weapons they wield are often fierce, sometimes they eschew weapons in favor of literally ripping enemies limb from limb with their sharp, wicked claws and massive stingers attached to the scorpion halves of their bodies. Red skin and black, beady eyes make even their human-like torsos fearful to behold.
Stat Potential
Str: good
Agi: horrible
Dex: low
Con: average
Int: moderate
Wis: unsurpassable
Per: moderate
Cha: horrible
Siz: 10'6"
Weight: 160 kg
Metarace: Infernal

Maximum Age: immortal
Dietary Requirements: corpophage
Number of limbs: two
Natural Armor: very good
Natural Weapons: devastating
Experience Rate: 52%
Skill Maximum: 100%
Hermetic Spell Maximum: 20%
Spiritual Spell Maximum: 100%
Heartbeat: slow
Vision: light, dark and ultra dark conditions
General_combat Skill Bonus: 10%

Slots: a brow, a head, two eyes, a neck, an amulet, a brooch, a cloak, an upper torso, a lower torso, two shoulders, two upper arms, two lower arms, two wrists, two hands, two fingers, two belts, six upper legs and a tail.
Advantages: can't fall unconscious, escape death, gets tail attack, infravision and moderate stun resistance.
Disadvantages: cannot sleep, half exp if good and large appetite.
Miscellaneous: THIS RACE IS JOINABLE ONLY AFTER REACHING LEVEL 100 AND COMPLETING A SPECIAL QUEST, corpse always rises, insect and natural terrain: sulphur.
Resistances and Vulnerabilities: Takes 10% less unholy damage.
Damage Regeneration: excellent
Mana Regeneration: excellent
Endurance Regeneration: average
Emotes: mclaw, meyes, mgeneral and mstinger.
Commands: gshift, msting, mtorment and rhome.
Poor Guild Matches: abjurer, alchemist, assassin, bard, biomancer, cultist, druid, fallen, fighter, jomsviking, mage, merchant, monk, necromancer, paladin, psionicist, ranger, sentinel and templar.
Size Comparison (vs Human):