
Homeworld: Raji
Description: The Arcanus are tall, blue, hairless giants skilled in the arts of magic and artifice. Specializing in trade between the worlds, the Arcanus are often negotiators and arbiters between other races who would not normally see eye-to-eye. Arcanus are often accused of being loyal only to each other. In reality, the Arcanus choose their allegiances carefully and do not make many friends. When money and magic are involved, Arcanus take matters very seriously.
Ruthven leads the Arcanus race.
Stat Potential
Str: moderate
Agi: horrible
Dex: good
Con: moderate
Int: unsurpassable
Wis: moderate
Per: moderate
Cha: moderate
Siz: 12'0"
Weight: 428 kg
Metarace: Jotun

Maximum Age: 65 years
Dietary Requirements: omnivore
Number of limbs: two
Natural Armor: weak
Natural Weapons: weak
Experience Rate: 89%
Skill Maximum: 75%
Hermetic Spell Maximum: 95%
Spiritual Spell Maximum: 25%
Heartbeat: slow
Vision: light and ultra light conditions
Arcane Skill Bonus: 5%

Slots: a brow, a head, two eyes, a neck, an amulet, a brooch, a cloak, an upper torso, a lower torso, two shoulders, two upper arms, two lower arms, two wrists, two hands, two fingers, a belt, two upper legs, two lower legs and two feet.
Advantages: none.
Disadvantages: claustrophobia.
Miscellaneous: natural terrain: none.
Resistances and Vulnerabilities: Takes 15% more harm damage.
Disease Susceptibility: 100% to magical diseases
Damage Regeneration: moderate
Mana Regeneration: good
Endurance Regeneration: average
Emotes: aassess, ablue, acoin, adeal and apower.
Commands: gshift and runekey.
Good Guild Matches: biomancer, mage and necromancer.
Average Guild Matches: alchemist and merchant.
Poor Guild Matches: abjurer, assassin, bard, cultist, druid, fallen, fighter, jomsviking, monk, paladin, psionicist, ranger, sentinel and templar.
Size Comparison (vs Human):