Summon mask
Casting time: 2 roundsSpell cost: 300
Spell level: 1 Spell category: conjuration
Affecting stats: wis
Offensive: No Location: Anywhere
Target: any Range: room
Components: S

Description: With this spell, the Confessor focuses upon the essence of her own inner evil, which she has conquered, and summons her Demon Mask. The mask is a powerful tool of concentrated vileness which a Confessor uses to turn evil back upon itself in the name of righteousness. Once summoned, the Demon Mask bonds to the Confessor for the day, occupying either the brow or head. This spell does not work if the invoker has no primary brow or head slot free. Wearing the Demon Mask also gives access to the 'dsay' command. Usage: invoke summon mask at [slot] Valid slots: brow, head.
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage