Summon animal
Casting time: 5 roundsSpell cost: 270
Spell level: 11Spell category: conjuration
Affecting stats: wis,cha
Offensive: No Location: outside
Target: any Range: room
Components: VS

Description: This spell allows the druid to summon from the wilderness a variety of animals to do his/her bidding. The type of animal is based upon the caster's level, wisdom, charisma, and percentage in this spell, along with a slight random factor. Possible creatures, from weakest to strongest, include: Lavellan (a small mouse-like magical beast), hawk, stag, wolf, cu sidhe (a dog the size of a cow), water-bull (with three horns), boobrie (giant cow-eating bird), or piastha (a gigantic well-serpent). The animals can be used as mounts as well. It stays for a period of time and then returns to the wild. Usage: invoke summon animal [at [type]]
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage