Shadow form
Casting time: 1 roundsSpell cost: 300
Spell level: 16Spell category: alteration
Affecting stats: con
Offensive: No Location: Anywhere
Target: caster Range: room

Description: The hand is able to control his shadow and make it dark enough so that it envelopes him, protecting him somewhat from physical damage. Usage: invoke shadow form invoke shadow form at renew invoke shadow form at diminish If a hand casts this spell without a target once their shadow is already extended, it will increase the darkness around them for 40 SP. 'Renew'ing the spell will increase darkness and also return them to invisibility for 65 SP. 'Diminish'ing the spell will either lessen the darkening effect of a hand's shadow form, or completely remove it, depending upon the power of the spell. Dimishing does not cost any spell points.
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage