Casting time: 5 roundsSpell cost: 100
Spell level: 16Spell category: conjuration
Affecting stats: wis
Offensive: No Location: Anywhere
Target: playertarget Range: distant
Components: VS
Alignment: Must be Good.

Description: This powerful spell can be used to bring a dead player back to life. A successful cast means the player takes a reduced exp penalty for the area where they died compared to praying. A fumbled spell, or many scars, can have terrible side effects. SEE: HELP RESURRECTION The Templar will gain some dues, based on their ability to bring Sikkar's message to the person ressed. In other words, the younger and more open to change a person is the better. However, there is some large variability due to Sikkar's ability to notice every such event.
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage