Mercurial pursuit
Type: Area attack spell
Damage Types: Illusion: 100%
Maximum Damage: 350
Additional Effects: No
Casting time: 6 roundsSpell cost: 70
Spell level: 14Spell category: conjuration
Affecting stats: cha,wis
Offensive: YesLocation: Anywhere
Target: notarget Range: room
Components: VS

Description: This spell summons Mercury, the god of trade and profit to tip the balance of scales in the favour of the beseeching merchant. Mercury has travelled most of the Retroverse and recreates images of the worst parts of his travels in the minds of those who dare oppose those who practice his profession. Victims are wracked with pain and fear at the sight of the terrible monsters and dark caves that Mercury has traversed. This spell works on a large group.
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage