Lesser miracle
Base Healing: 100
Animal Healing: 100
Fish Healing: 100
Insect Healing: 100
Plant Healing: 100
Non-Flesh Healing: 100
Undead Healing: 100
Alignment Healing: good

Casting time: 4 roundsSpell cost: 125
Spell level: 13Spell category: unction
Affecting stats: wis
Offensive: No Location: Anywhere
Target: livingtarget Range: close
Components: VS
Alignment: Must be Good.

Description: This spell calls upon Sikkar's blessings to create a small miracle. When Sikkar's touches one of his flock, even the oldest of wounds may be felt no more. Wounds are healed, and scars are wiped away. The caster must be good aligned, and the more pious the target, the greater the generosity that will be shown by Sikkar.
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage