Improve undead
Casting time: 6 roundsSpell cost: 60
Spell level: 3 Spell category: necromantic
Affecting stats: int,wis
Offensive: No Location: Anywhere
Target: needtarget Range: room
Components: VSM
Alignment: Cannot be Good.

Description: This spell is used by the necromancer to improve his/her undead. Options to improve are: Level -] cost ( level * level * 1.5 ) Right Attack -] cost ( # * 300 ) Left Attack -] cost ( # * 300 ) Skills and spells: -] cost ( 5% increments * 1 ) -- stun, dodge, weapon parry, undead skill, -- undead spell, enhance criticals, ancient mastery. Special -] cost ( 5% increments * 1 ) stats -] shows a readout of what you have improved. Spell format: cast improve undead at [undead] improve [option].
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage