Faerie request
Casting time: 2 roundsSpell cost: 30
Spell level: 17Spell category: nature
Affecting stats: wis,cha
Offensive: No Location: Anywhere
Target: any Range: room
Components: VS

Description: This spell allows a druid to request a service of a faerie by fasting. To make the faerie follow, 'invoke faerie request at follow.' To make it unfollow, 'invoke faerie request at unfollow.' The invokeer's wisdom and charisma help in the successful coaxing of the faerie. Note that each request will drain you a bit, as the faerie requires energy. Casting faerie request at 'dismiss' will send it away. This is necessary if you plan on going ld or quitting. It will not reset your summon flag again if you don't. invoking faerie request at attack/unattack, will cause your faerie to attack things you do, or to not attack things you do, automatically.
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage