Create chest
Casting time: 2 roundsSpell cost: 250
Spell level: 15Spell category: conjuration
Affecting stats: None
Offensive: No Location: Anywhere
Target: needtarget Range: room
Components: VSM

Description: This spell is used to create a chest which can withstand even the might of armageddon himself if placed inside a castle. You must have the necessary amount of gold on the ground or in your bank account when casting. You can create several types: type: cost: #items: lock size: strongbox: 80000 4 2 iron chest: 180000 6 3 steel chest: 240000 6 4 weapon rack: 140000 7 weapons 2 warding rune: 80000 1 8 There is an additional option: trashcan (cost: 5000)
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage