Create altar
Casting time: 7 roundsSpell cost: 200
Spell level: 18Spell category: conjuration
Affecting stats: wis
Offensive: No Location: Anywhere
Target: notarget Range: room
Components: VS
Alignment: Must be Good.

Description: This spell creates a holy altar to Sikkar. To cast it, the Templar must be in a room that is sanctified with the sanctuary spell. Upon casting it, the Templar must then 'charge' the altar with bless spells. For each 'charge' in the altar, one character may 'pray' at the altar, once per half-an-hour. Depending on the prayer's alignment, a boon will be granted to the pious. If the character is unfaithful, Sikkar will let them know. If the character is evil...well, Sikkar will let them know that too. One cannot choose what blessing they will receive when they pray, but it is said that Sikkar knows what his faithful require, sometimes even better than they know themselves.
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage