Control undead
Casting time: 1 roundsSpell cost: 15
Spell level: 4 Spell category: necromantic
Affecting stats: Int
Offensive: No Location: Anywhere
Target: needtarget Range: room
Components: VS
Alignment: Cannot be Good.

Description: This spell allows the newbie necromancer to control a single undead minion and to work his/her way to the command horde spell which allows control over multiple undead. Syntax for the spell's use is as follows: cast control undead at [undead] do [action]. having controlled undead take part in a battle reduces the amount of experience gained from the kill. The undead can be commanded to 'follow' or 'unfollow' the necromancer by the use of those two commands. Controlling undead that are set to autofollow requires continual mana use. Hunchbacks and homonculi can be dismissed with: cast control undead at [target] do dismiss.
Cast Usage
Invocation Usage