Spirit casting
Action Duration: 0
Endurance cost: 0
Affecting stats:
Resisting stats:

Skill Category: religious
Skill Level: 12
Skill Type: Non combat
Skill Targetting: none
Location: anywhere

Description: Spirit casting calls upon the spirits in the gems to cast spells faster. By doing so, he loses 1 EP per round saved. It is used automatically when spells are cast. Each round of casting time is checked up to half the casting time. If a successful check is made that round is removed and casting time reduced. Thus a person with 100% spirit casting will have 1/2 casting time as they will succeed each time check up to half. A person with 50% spirit casting will succeed only half the checks on average and result in a 1/4 reduction in casting time. Spirit casting only works on non-offensive spiritual abjuration spells.
Skill Usage