Action Duration: 2
Endurance cost: 10
Affecting stats: cha
Resisting stats: cha

Skill Category: law
Skill Level: 17
Skill Type: Non combat
Skill Targetting: player
Location: anywhere

Description: With this skill, a Sentinel can pardon a criminal who has through their actions committed crimes against cities [such as attacking citizens, shopkeepers or guards]. It will fine the offending criminal some gold per warrant as a means of restitution. The number of warrants varies depending on how wanted the criminal is, what the criminal did, and the level of the criminal. Thereafter, the slate will be wiped clean until the offending character commits another crime. A criminal must be pardoned on the world he is wanted on so amends can be made. Pardon can also remove [criminal] status from a player for free. Also see: help lawbreakers
Skill Usage