Action Duration: 4
Endurance cost: 56
Affecting stats: dex str
Resisting stats: agi per

Skill Category: armed combat
Skill Level: 14
Skill Type: combat
Skill Targetting: melee opponent (limited)
Location: anywhere

Description: This skill allows a Sentinel to deal an overhead blow with a bludgeon or haft of a polearm weapon. The target must have an appropriately shaped head, but the effects are disastrous: stunning, knocking down, even knocking targets unconscious depending on the severity of the blow. Use of this skill requires a weapon with sufficient heft, particularly against larger foes. A bonus is given to succeed if the target is a criminal. Crimefighting damage bonus is given if the target is a criminal. Successful use focuses some attention on the Sentinel [+1 focus]. Usage: use mazzatello
Skill Usage