Action Duration: 0
Endurance cost: 0
Affecting stats: agi dex per
Resisting stats: agi per

Skill Category: light combat
Skill Level: 15
Skill Type: Non combat
Skill Targetting: none
Location: anywhere

Description: This skill is the active avoidance of hits. You continually jump in and out of your opponent's range, choosing to strike when its most advantageous to you. It doesn't affect your attack ability, however it normally limits you to one melee attack per limb, without special tertiary training (HELP SKILL ELUSIVE STRIKING). In this defense mode, you can also jump in and out around the front row party members if you're in the middle row, and thus get your melee attacks in from mid row along while using certain combat skills (Note: Some assassin skills require maneuver defense mode to work properly). Being smaller than your opponent helps you bounce out of the way more easily. Please note that Fellblades cannot be used from midrow, even with this skill. See also: HELP DEFENSE
Skill Usage