Hire mercenary
Action Duration: 6
Endurance cost: 150
Affecting stats: cha
Resisting stats:

Skill Category: mercantile
Skill Level: 17
Skill Type: Non combat
Skill Targetting: special
Location: anywhere

Description: This skill allows the merchant to hire a mercenary through contacts established with the merchant guild. The user must be in an area that is conducive to telemantic magics so that a mercenary can be sent. Mercenaries cost gold to hire based on their expertise, and additional payment must be given to issue further orders (help skill payment). A mercenary's contract is costly, but lasts until dismissal or abandonment. Valid targets include: lancer, assassin, gunner, knight. Lancers specialize in two-handed weaponry, especially polearms. Assassins specialize in two-weapon combat, especially daggers. Gunners specialize in ranged combat, especially thundersticks. Knights are defensive specialists who protect the merchant. The cost of a contract may be reduced if the merchant is highly skilled and exceptionally charismatic.
Skill Usage