Hire healer
Action Duration: 6
Endurance cost: 50
Affecting stats: cha
Resisting stats:

Skill Category: mercantile
Skill Level: 10
Skill Type: Non combat
Skill Targetting: none
Location: anywhere

Description: This skill allows the merchant to hire a biomantic healer through contacts established with the merchant guild. The user must be in an area that is conducive to telemantic magics so that the healer can be sent. Healers cost gold to hire based on their expertise, and additional payment must be given to issue further orders (help skill payment). A healer's contract is costly, but lasts until dismissal or abandonment. The healer will attempt to heal the party, and can be commanded to 'target [blah]' to set the target for focused healing spells. The cost of a contract may be reduced if the merchant is highly skilled and exceptionally charismatic.
Skill Usage