Hire engineer
Action Duration: 2
Endurance cost: 15
Affecting stats: cha
Resisting stats:

Skill Category: mercantile
Skill Level: 20
Skill Type: Anytime
Skill Targetting: special
Location: anywhere
Components: verbal

Description: This skill allows a merchant to hire and command a skilled siege engineer. The cost of hiring a siege engineer depends on the standing in the guild of the merchant as well as their ability to negotiate the hire. This cost is deducted directly from the merchants bank account. Valid targets are as follows - use hire engineer at hire : hires an engineer. This can only be done in a city. dismiss : sends away your hired engineer. reload with [rocks|carcass|sand] : orders the engineer to reload the mangonel. If you are not reloading with rocks you will need to have the correct component in your inventory to give to the engineer fire : orders the engineer to fire the mangonel. follow|unfollow : order the engineer to tag along or take a chill.
Skill Usage