Action Duration: 0
Endurance cost: 0
Affecting stats:
Resisting stats:

Skill Category: religious
Skill Level: 15
Skill Type: Non combat
Skill Targetting: none
Location: anywhere

Description: This skill allows the psionicist to focus on a gem which has had its energy released by the crystalmancy skill (q.v.), thereby allowing him to focus on its energies and cast his spells faster. Each round of casting time is checked up to half the casting time. If a successful check is made that round is removed and casting time reduced. Thus a person with 100% focusing will have 1/2 casting time as they will succeed each time check up to half. A person with 50% focusing will succeed only half the checks on average and result in a 1/4 reduction in casting time. Note that focusing only works on psionic category spiritual spells, and the focused gem must be in the caster's inventory.
Skill Usage