Action Duration: 5
Endurance cost: 138
Affecting stats: str siz dex
Resisting stats: agi

Skill Category: armed combat
Skill Level: 19
Skill Type: combat
Skill Targetting: nonmelee opponent
Location: outdoors and large areas

Description: This skill allows the user to charge a foe while mounted. The attacker must wield a polearm or broad blade to use this skill successfully as well as being in a room large enough to charge. Guiding one's mount in a successful charge requires a check of the equestrianism skill, while training in combat riding may make the rush even more effective. The power of both attacker, mount and weapon may influence the damage dealt in this way. Taking the brunt of a cavalry charge can be lethal to many foes, while those who survive are likely to be thrown to the ground, swept off their mount, if they had one, or at least off their feet.
Skill Usage