Arterial slash
Action Duration: 4
Endurance cost: 95
Affecting stats: dex
Resisting stats: dex

Skill Category: light combat
Skill Level: 18
Skill Type: combat
Skill Targetting: combat opponent
Location: anywhere

Description: Named for the most common application of the skill, the arterial slash is the technique perfected by assassins to cause lasting pain to an enemy. While the exact manifestation of this attack will vary with the nature of the weapon employed, one can be assured that the results will almost always be worthwhile. Care should be taken in the selection of a weapon to execute this skill with, however, as not all modes of attack will be effective against all opponents. Subsequent cuts by the same assassin can only restore the original cut to full effectiveness, not change its nature. Arterial slash only works with a dagger, thin blade or broad blade.
Skill Usage