

WEATHER:  Raji is the equivalent of Jupiter with an earth-like gravity and
a breathable atmosphere.  Raji is ravaged by constant air streams,
storms, floating debris from space, and the dreaded 'Eye' of Raji, which
is filled with torrential hurricanes and deadly whirlwinds.  The cities of
Raji necessarily are plotted along Raji's air stream to avoid this Eye 
whenever possible.  The air itself is breathable but tends to make those
unused to it a bit lightheaded.  Clouds can wipe out the sunlight entirely
(with no bodies of water to reflect the sunlight, it becomes VERY dark),
and there are days of 'clear air' when there is nothing but the scorching

CULTURE:  Raji is a fast, footloose culture where one enjoys today because
tomorrow they may be crashing into Raji's core.  Nobody is entirely sure
what lies at Raji's core, but it becomes increasingly poisonous the deeper 
one goes, making it fairly uninhabitable to most life.  Since all things 
continually fall without the assistance of magic, cultures without magic 
revolve around the large asteroids that continually make their slow descent

towards Raji's core.  Out of this kind of lifestyle arises a culture 
similar to the Arabian folklore of Earth.  Raji's cultures are extremely 
tolerant - there is no room for prejudice when you all could be depending 
on each other for survival the next day.

PEOPLE: Kanku, Anakim, Suula, Atomys, and the Jinn use their flying
abilities to flit from city to city. The winged races often glide for
days before reaching any landing. Arcanus and Ettin also inhabit the
little remaining surface.

TRANSPORT: Malfunction in the old transportation equipment caused a huge
explosion which created a place called the Rift. Expeditions led by curious
locals have reported that the Rift holds some sort of magical portals to
other worlds. Alchemists in Nineveh have managed to create an entrance into
the rift. The only other known exit is located somewhere in Raji's