Full wishes

Listing all full wishes: ( 100+ Primal Energy ).  See HELP WISH for cost

Each full wish can only be taken once.

Join restricted guild: join  
          Guild cannot be a tertiary only.
          You may take this wish multiple times, with loss of PE for each, 
          to join more than one restricted guild.  
Max secondary: Attain level 20 in your secondary guild.
Max tertiary: Attain level 14 in one of your tertiary guilds.
More criticals: Increase your chance to score a critical hit.
          Only works for ranged attacks, for melee attacks in 
          hard forms and for melee attacks with bladed weapons.
Stunning: Increase your chance to stun.
         Only works with blunt weapons and soft forms.
Safe ress: avoid the nasty side effects of ress/pray [but not exp
Exp rate: increase your exp rate by 10%.
Skill max: increase your skill max by 10%.
Hermetic max: increase your Hermetic spell max by 10%.
Spiritual max: increase your Spiritual spell max by 10%.
Stats max: 25% chance of gaining a second point when
        you gain a racial stat. Stacks with Increased stat wish.
Increased stat: 50% chance of gaining a second point when
        you gain that racial stat.  Stacks with Stats max wish.
Extra lucky: You get the higher of 2 luck rolls every day.
Max Size: always gain size during growth phase.
Min Size: never gain size during growth phase.
No fumbles: no spell fumbles. 
No skill fumbles: no skill fumbles.
Hermetic crit: 50% increase in chance for critical hermetic effect.
Spiritual crit: 50% increase in chance for critical spiritual effect.
Healing: +10% to amount healed.
Protwish: +20% protection spell duration.
Regen: increase  regen.
Alignment drift: 'good drift', 'evil drift', 'neutral drift'.
        Good drift and evil drift increase alignment drift
        in the specified direction and lessen drift in the 
        opposite direction, while neutral drift decreases 
        the rate of any alignment change.
        Alignment drifts of different types will not stack.
Eat all: Become a pantophage.  This does not allow races which 
        normally cannot eat to be able to eat.
Natural ac: +150 to natural ac
Natural wc: +10 to natural weapon class