
This document explains the character creation suite.
The character creation suite is 3 rooms laid out
in the following manner ::
	  |    |
          |    |  Gender/Description room
          |    |
          |    |  Race selection room
          |    |
          |    |  Guild selection room

In the race selection room you choose the physical
form that will be your shell as a being in the
RetroMUD universe.  Your race will not change
except through reincarnation.  Some races or
guilds have available to them powers, skills or
spells which allow players to change to a temporary
race, although your base race will not change.

Your race is important in that each race is uniquely
different, and different from all others.  Each race
has a distinct set of statistics, abilities, powers,
and appearance.  Your race, in conjunction with your
guild ( HELP GUILDS ), determine who you are.

When selecting a race you should carefully read the
information available on the races that interest you.
You should also visit the guild room, the room listed
as 'prev' from the race room, to determine the guild you will
want to choose.  Your guild is likely to determine which
race you will select, as certain races are more suited
to certain guilds than others.

Using the race room ::

1)  Visit the guild room and determine a guild or two
    that you wish to play.

2)  Return to the race room and use the 'list' command to
    see all the possible races.

3)  Use the 'mesh' command to see which of the races
    are most suitable to your guild choice.

4)  Use the 'info' command to receive detailed information
    about each race you are interested in.  

5)  Use the 'select' command to choose your race once you
    decide on a likely one.  You can always re 'select' a new
    race while in the race room.

6)  Use the 'help race' command once you have chosen a race 
    to gain information about commands for powers and emotes.


What does all the race information mean?  ::

1)  Homeworld:  RetroMUD is composed of six planets.
    Homeworld determines which planet is native to the
    race.  This does not necessarily indicate which planet
    you will start on, because this is determined by your 
    guild.  Homeworlds bestow a small bonus to skills and 
    spells used by a member native to that planet.  
    HELP PLANETS for more information on the six planets.

2)  Powers:  Powers are special commands that members of 
    that race can use.  Powers are varied and often make
    life a little easier.

3)  Advantages:  Similar to powers, advantages are more generic
    and do not require active use, as they are 'always on'.
    Such things as infravision, or water breathing are examples.
    HELP ADVANTAGES for more information.

4)  Disadvantages:  Acting like advantages, disadvantages are
    always in effect, and tend to make life just a little more
    difficult for the race.  
    HELP DISADVANTAGES for more information.

5)  Limbs:  Most races have 2 limbs ( 2 arms ), however, 
    RetroMUD has a large variety of strange beings and some
    races have multiple usable limbs.  Some races have no
    usable limbs, while others may have up to 4.  Extra
    limbs allow more weapons to be wielded and through 
    joining the correct guilds, more attacks.

6)  Lost Slots:  Some races ( those with 0 limbs ) lose
    the 'held' slot ability by virtue of losing these two limbs.

7)  Restricted Armor:  Some race have strange body shapes, and
    as such make wearing certain type of armor, or possibly any
    at all upon certain parts of their body, difficult, either 
    because the part is oddly shaped, already has natural armor, 
    or doesnt even exist.  A number in the parenthesis after the 
    slot indicates the maximum bulk ( HELP BULK ) of an item that
    can be worn on that slot.  An 'X' in the parenthesis means that
    no armor may be worn on that slot.

8)  Extra Slots:  Some races have extra body parts which allow
    more slots to be armored.  These are listed here in the same
    format as restricted armor.   HELP SLOTS after you have chosen 
    a race will reveal your slot configuration.

9)  Extra Attacks:  Some races have additional natural attacks,
    such as a fierce bite, a tail attack, or horns which allow
    an extra attack during combat.  These attacks use the race's
    natural offense rating.

10) Stun Resistance:  Ranging from +5 to -5, stun resistance
    of positive bonuses result in the race being harder to stun.
    Negative numbers, make the race more susceptible to stun.

11) Statistics:  Give the maximum statistic that may be achieved
    by the race in that stat.  New characters start at an amount
    lower than the max, and max out the statistic between 15th-25th
    level.  Statistics may be enhanced by guild bonuses and equipment.
    HELP STATISTICS for more information.

12) Skill Mastery:  The higher a skill % the more proficient you are.
    The more often you will suceed with the skill and the more
    impressive the results will be.  Mastery determines the maximum
    percentage you can train a skill to with this race.

13) Spell Mastery:  The higher a spell % the more proficient you are.
    The more often you will suceed with the spell and the more
    impressive the results will be.  Mastery determines the maximum
    percentage you can study a spell to with this race.

14) Regen:  This is the metabolism of the race in question.  A faster
    regeneration rate, means the race will recover lots hit points,
    spell points, and endurance points quicker.  An important difference
    is that this is the RATE at which points are recovered and are not
    an indication of the amount recovered per recovery.  That information
    is only revealed upon actually becoming a member of the race.

15) Max Age:  Time flows on RetroMUD.  Slowly your character will age.
    For all but the most short lived of characters, death due to natural
    aging will likely not result, however, there are magical spells and
    other effects ( such as returning from death ) that increase your age.
    Longer lived races will be more resistant to these effects.  Some races
    are immortal and ignore aging altogether.

16) Natural Offense:  This gives a vague indication of your unarmed

17) Natural Defense:  This is an indicator of any natural protection, or
    'armor class' that comes naturally with the race.  Scales, thick hides,
    shells, or a magical nature will lend to a higher natural defense.
18) Exp Rate:  The exp rate determines the cut, or bonus in experience
    points that are awarded ( typically for slaying monsters ).  An exp
    of 75% means that the race in question, due to its superior nature will
    receive less experience per kill, due to its increased ease in making
    kill, because of higher stats, faster regen, or special powers.  An exp
    over 100% means the race is considered inferior to the norm, and
    more exp due to the increased difficulty for the race to survive.
    HELP EXPERIENCE POINTS for more information.

19) Short Description:  This gives a short and general overview of what
    the race is.  Gives you a quick feel for the race.