Race powers

Racial Commands are additional abilities that a race may or may not have.
These commands are basically powers that are only available to members of
select races.  These powers are instinctively known, so no training is
required once the character is sufficiently high in adventuring level to
gain the power.

Help for each command is also available (example: 'help runekey')

Note that not all race commands may be usable by the character.  For
instance, 'normalform' is only usable by jomsviking-wolves, and
'werewolfform' is only usable by werewolf-wolves. Similarly, 'trueform'
is only usable by temporary humans and not by the human standard race.

__Standard Races__
Anakim       _
Arakun       aforage, blend, rfish
Arcanus      gshift, runekey
Argus        ablast, afear, asleep, aslow
Atomy        glamour, unvanish
Behemoth     becho, bstun, graze
Bloodworm    constrict, rfish, suck, sydrain
Boelir       bolt, drepair, runekey
Catfolk      chunt, csniff, rake
Centaur      inspiration
Changeling   glamour, masquerade, unvanish
Devil        circle, dtorment, gshift
Dhampir      suck
Dragon       breathe, csniff, dive, dsleep, feast, geat
Dragonian    breathe, molt
Drensieqi    blast
Dwarf        dchant, drepair
Elf          elook, glamour, unvanish
Ettin        ename, runekey
Flynd        fgiggle, hyena, kerit
Gargoyle     dive, geat
Giant        gattack, runekey
Gnome        drepair
Goblin       glamour, unvanish
Gorgon       inspiration, petrify, ybite
Gremlin      geat, glamour, unvanish
Hephestian   drepair
Homarid      rfish
Human        _
Illex        blend, inkjet, rfish, tsqueeze, ybite
Irrdu        runekey
Jinn         bolt, unmist
Kanku        dive, screech
Kizanki      blast, gshift
Kreen        tbite
Kuroa        feast, ksense, rfish
Leprechaun   glamour, unvanish
Minotaur     csniff, inspiration
Mummy        meket
Muridan      aspect, masquerade, ratform, rous, scrounge
Myconoid     spores, sskin
Papua        eblend, eheal
Pudding      tsqueeze
Satyr        geat, inspiration
Selkie       bbreathe, glamour, rfish, seal, unvanish
Shadow       shadows
Slaad        croak, sskin
Suula        blend, sydrain
Thuul        sacrifice, srake
Titan        runekey
Tortle       breathe, molt, rfish, tshell
Treant       _
Troll        feast, glamour, unvanish
Tywimn       dive
Unicorn      blend, gshift, ucleanse, uheal, uhorse
Uruk         geat, glamour, unvanish
Vampire      bat, masquerade, suck, unmist, vsleep, vswarm
Vipyr        constrict, ybite
Vulpin       auspice, howl, rfish
Werewolf     auspice, dwolf, feast, howl, masquerade, wolf
Xodar        _
Yaag-nesh    blast

__Remortal Races__
Ahrimazda    aacrobat, awield, rhome
Chimaera     cmaul, rhome
Dryad        dpeace, dtree, rhome
Efreeti      edismiss, escorch, rhome
Golemn       gsense, rhome
Harpy        hnest, rhome, screech
Kitsune      kdisguise, rhome
Mephistacles rhome
Naga         constrict, humanform, lamiaform, nrain, rhome, serpentform,
Nekomata     rhome
Phoenix      psong, ptears, rebirth, rhome
Poltergeist  pexpand, rhome
Revenant     rhome
Rusalka      rdrown, rkiss, rhome
Seraphim     rhome
Sidhe        saura, rhome
Sluagh       sdark, rhome
Tianlong     rhome
Tuatara      rhome
Valkyrie     rhome, vescort
Vanir        rhome
Wendigo      rhome
Xlakun'ah    rhome, screech, xbabble
Zmej         breathe, rhome, zname2, zname3, zseduce, zsleep

__Other Races and Forms__
Alligator    feast, rfish
Atum         constrict, ybite
Barricuda    feast, rfish
Bastet       chunt, csniff, rake
Bat          suck, vampform
Bear         chunt, csniff, feast, normalform, rfish
Cobra        constrict, ybite
Deer         csniff
Daemon       _
Demon        circle, dtorment
Dire wolf    chunt, csniff, feast, howl, werewolfform
Drake        feast
Eagle        dive, rfish
Goat         geat
Gull         dive, rfish, scrounge
Hawk         dive, normalform
Horus        dive, screech
Human        trueform, nagaform
Hyena        csniff, flyndform, sneak
Kandrin      unvanish
Kerit        chunt, csniff, feast, flyndform
Khnum        geat
Kobold       glamour
Lamia        ybite, nagaform
Mist         unmist
Mouse        scrounge, sneak
Oni          runekey, unmist
Owl          dive
Panther      chunt, csniff, rake
Poucadd      glamour, unvanish
Rat          muridan, scrounge, sneak
Raven        dive, normalform, scrounge
Rous         feast, muridan, scrounge
Seal         aquaticform, rfish
Serpent      ybite, constrict, nagaform, breathe
Shell        unshell
Sleeper      awaken
Snake        constrict, ybite
Tree         deroot
Vespula      ovulate
White horse  unicornform
Wolf         chunt, csniff, howl, normalform, werewolfform