
The Papua, the Jinni, the Suula and the Efreeti are the elemental forces of

Air, Earth, Electricity and Fire personified. The Puddings' elemental
status is unclear. The Elemental races have done much to build and maintain

the habitable parts of their respective worlds (Crypt and Raji), but pursue

their own agendas-- the benefits to other races are merely incidental.

All the Elementals, being magical creatures, are immune to physical
disease, and can return to their element, so to speak, to avoid physical
damage or regenerate quickly from it. However, they are more vulnerable
to various types of elemental damage.

No Gifted Ones have yet appeared among the spirits of Water; however, Water
is represented in one diluted form by the Aquatic races, and in another by 
the Jotun, the children of Oceanus.

See also: HELP RACES