
The Construct races are mysterious combinations of magic and mechanics, 
created by powers unknown for purposes unknown. The Thuuls were created by
the Kizanki to wreak revenge on their exilers. The Thuuls, however, were
too independent, and many were able to break free of Kizanki control, and 
many have joined the side of Light.  It is speculated that the homeless
Xodar were created by Ares to further his bloodlust; no one can even 
guess the origins of the Hephestians, although some speculate that they
were created as builders to counter the destructive bent of the Xodar. 
The Golemn were created by a long-extinct race to protect the cities
of Welstar, and are called to duty when evil tries to overtake the 
peaceable cities.
Whatever their origins, the Constructs are unique in the Retroverse-- not
truly living, not undead, and truly ensouled, unlike golems.

See also: HELP RACES