Immortal duties

ADMINISTRATOR: Rayzam, Talien, Kellin, Kereth
Administrators regulate the other Archwizards and Wizards.  They regulate
security of the MUD, the mudlib itself, and generally oversee the MUD
in general.  Should you feel you are being unfairly treated, harassed,
have a specific problem with an Archwizard or Wizard, have a question
about donations or the mudlib itself, or want to suggestion a way to
improve the MUD in general, contact an Administrator.

WIZARDS:  Fjorn, Tyrion, Firit, Agrona, Nerina, Leonia
A Wizard's duties generally include creating an area.  The area itself
is approved by the World Arch.  A Wizard also creates items, weapons,
armor, etc. as appropriate to his or her area.  They can also code
guilds if they so choose.  In most cases, it's best to contact an
Archwizard with an issue, since Wizards are usually busy coding and may
not have the access to correct an issue at hand.

WORLD ARCH:  Ruckus (Crypt), Kereth (Perdow), Wxyz (Raji),
Rita (Welstar), Kellin (Sosel), Kellin (Wysoom), Mireille
A World Arch's duties are to regulate his or her world.  This includes
approving all areas on that world, regulating gameplay on that world,
and anything else that could be interpreted as directly effecting the
world itself.  If you find a particular world boring, have suggestions
to make it more exciting, don't like the maps of the world, etc.,
contact the appropriate World Arch.