
BELIEFS:  Armagg-Odhin is the god of madness, chaos, entropy, and insanity.
Of all the Gods, he takes the most direct approach.  Armagg-Odhin attempts
repeatedly destroy all of RetroMud. He takes great delight in counting
down to the last second exactly when he will do so.  Armagg-Odhin believes,
in his own warped sense of logic, that by destroying everything, he will 
eventually free himself, since no God can die.  However, the Immortals
build the Universe again, exactly the way it was (or as close as they can 
get it).  Armagg-Odhin believes that this wears the Immortals down, and
if he brings about the destruction of RetroMud enough times, eventually
the Immortals will not have the strength to rebuild it.  

WORSHIPPERS:  Armagg-Odhin's followers are Jomsvikings, and only they
his direct blessing.  Similar to their God, they attempt to destroy all 
things by wearing them down.  It is entirely possible that Armagg-Odhin
actually achieve his goals, if he could get organized.  However, even 
though he has the most followers in RetroMud, they cannot cooperate 
long enough to destroy anything on a massive scale.  

PRIMARY PLANET:  Armagg-Odhin is most popular on Perdow.

AVATAR:  Armagg-Odhin often takes the appearance of a gigantic humanoid,
with three eyes, four arms, and red skin.  He appears to his Jomsvikings 
most often, and woe to the fool who attacks him.