
You gain Explore Percentage (E%, explore) by travelling
the Retroverse. The more you travel, the more E% you gain.
Your E% represents the portion of all areas in the Retroverse
you have explored. As the world expands (areas get added)
your E% will go down proportionately. As you explore, it
will increase. It's a good idea to learn the lay of the land,
and you should definitely know your homeworld inside and out
before you decide to journey somewhere else.  

The added benefit of travelling in this fashion is the
experience points gained from travelling. It is highly
recommended that newbies simply travel rather than fight
when they first begin adventuring.

You do not gain the explore points for a room under these conditions:
 * You are in brief mode.
 * You are blinded or otherwise unable to see clearly.
 * You are attacked immediately upon entering the room.
 * Your 'map' shows your exact location and the location
   of spots of interest.
 * The room is in a player-owned castle or settlement.
 * The room is a valid start location (HELP START).
 * The room is memorizeable (HELP SKILL MEMORIZE).
 * You've been there before.
In all of these situations, you are not actually looking at
your surroundings and learning new things about them, so you
are not truly exploring.  

See also:
help exploration, help look, help peer, help exits,
help map, help brief, help search, help score