Schools of hermetic elementalism

==============  =============  ==============
Asphyxiamancer  Air & Water    asphyxiation
Corrosionist    Fire & Earth   acid
Cryomancer      Water          cold
Electromancer   Air            electric
Geomancer       Earth          disintegration
Illusionist     Fire & Air     illusion
Pyromancer      Fire           fire
Toximancer      Water & Earth  poison

  Air vs Earth
  Water vs Fire

  Cold vs Fire
  Asphyxiation vs Acid
  Electric vs Disintegration
  Illusion vs Poison

The hermetic secondary schools each train their students
intensely to have an innate mastery of the fundamental
elements fueling their specialty.

Intensive training increases the power of the corresponding
sympathetic magical auras in the students. This allows the
student to gain more control of a fundamental element and
increase its power in their spellcasting.

The same process which makes the student more sensitive to
one element also dulls their auras to the core element
opposed to it. It is for this reason that students cannot
advance in schools standing in direct opposition to one
another and why their power in some schools are diminished
as one aura must work to overcome the other.

Membership in a given secondary will bar you from joining
the three secondaries opposed to it on the elemental
diamond. It also grants the caster bonuses to three elements;
the highest bonus is given to the chosen secondary and then a
smaller bonus given to the two secondaries adjacent to it.

It is important to note that taking two secondaries will
apply the effects of both. The total damage bonuses in this
case will be the sum of the highest elemental bonus and the
highest elemental penalty.


                            / \
                           /   \
                          /     \
             (Toximancy) /       \ (Corrosion)
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                       /           \
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         (Cryomancy) <               > (Pyromancy)
                      \             /
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                        \         /
         (Asphyxiamancy) \       / (Illusion)
                          \     /
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Suppose Licky the Lizard Mage chooses to join the
Corrosionst secondary guild. The following things
would take effect and grow stronger with each
level advanced within Corrosionist.

  * Licky may not join Asphyximancer
  * Licky may not join Cryomancer
  * Licky may not join Electromancer
  * Licky gains a large acid damage bonus
  * Licky gains a small fire damage bonus
  * Licky gains a small disintegration damage bonus
  * Licky gains a large asphyxiation damage penalty
  * Licky gains a small cold damage penalty
  * Licky gains a small electric damage penalty