
   Privacy on a MU* is almost non-existant.  It is very easy for Wizards
create snooping devices that circumvent whatever privacy guarantees we
may try to enforce. This is not to say that snooping devices are 
acceptable, they are not.  Unless another user has given express permission
to a Wizard, that Wizard has no business snooping on him. 

   Any Wizard found making and using devices that can be used to snoop,
will be subject to disciplinary action by the Admins.  Admins are also
expected to use discretion when monitoring their MUD.  You *may* be
watched by an Admin, but Admins also understand that they should not
listen in on what is clearly a private conversation, unrelated to the
MUD.  Admins are allowed to snoop, and will do so, in order to ensure that
MUD security is not being compromised, that the MUD is not being used
as a place for the exchange of illegal information, and to ensure game
and adherence to whatever rules may apply.  So, in general, if you are not
behaving in violation of the rules here, then you should consider your
to exist.  If you are being observed, it is the ethical duty of the Admin
to disclose any private information gleaned from such observations. 
if you are suspected of wrongdoing, and observation confirms it, then you
may be subjected to logging of your commands.