

Paladins fight to defend the weak from tyranny. In doing so they act 
honorably. Honor points are a measure of these deeds.

Honor is gained by killing evil monsters and laying their corpse to  
 If the monster has no corpse then honor is awarded upon its death.
Honor is gained, based on the difficulty and alignment of the             
 monster. More difficult or evil monsters give increasingly more 
 If the monster was Good the Paladin will lose Honor.
 The Paladin's alignment also has an effect. One not Good, gains less  
 Honor, and loses more Honor if the kill was Good aligned.
Finally, Honor is also affected by the presence of party members. The 
 more members, the less personal Honor is gained. However, since more  
 difficult kills are possible, it's still advantageous to party.
Honor gain is halved for secondary Paladins, and halved again for 
 tertiary Paladins. This does take into consideration those with 
 passes to max the secondary guild, or max the tertiary guild.
Honor is lost, not only by killing those that are Good, but also just 
 by being in direct combat with those Good aligned.
 Sikkar can tell these things.

Honor loss is waived for those starting out in the guild, those 
 of newbie level ( < level 16). 
 This is only applicable to newbies with less than 18000 honor. 
 (The minimum honor for level 20. HELP GUILD DUES)
Upon reincarnation, Honor will be taxxed. This occurs on each and
 every reincarnation, even if not a Paladin at the time. A
 further tax will be taken upon rejoining the guild. The tax is
 steeper if your standing in the guild drops [Primary->Secondary, 
 etc]. Reincarnating into a guild other than Paladin and later
 reincarnating back into it is taxed heavily, regardless of the
 standing in the Guild.
To regain honor after Reincarnation go to the Chamber of Honor and 
The Shield has a special attack, the damage of which is dependent
 upon the Paladin's alignment and level in the guild. It costs 1 
 Honor when it goes off, and does pure Holy damage.
Usage of Paladin skills and spells is powered by Honor.