Guild system

There are three types of guild: primary

Primary guilds have 20 guild levels available for the taking.  Secondary 
guilds have 14 guild levels available and tertiary guilds have 9.  

When you first were created you chose your primary guild.

Secondary guilds can only be joined by having completed (ie: taken all 20 
levels) the relevant primary guild.  

Tertiary guilds can only be joined by having completed the relevant 
secondary AND tertiary guild.  Out of the available tertiary guilds, there 
is always one that requires no previous tertiary guild.  Because tertiary 
guilds require such particular previous guilds, advancement through
guilds is called a "path".

Use the "choices " command and the Retromud website to gain a larger

insight into paths.  

You can join any guild you want providing you meet their prerequisites. 

However once you have reached level 15 in one guild, you can only gain up
to level 14 in another guild.  
Once you have reached level 10 of the next guild you take, you can only
up to level 9 in any other guilds you ever take.  

Thus, you could take another primary guild after completing your first one,
but you could only gain 14 levels of it.  
However, you could take up to 9 levels of another primary guild without 
affecting your ability to join secondary guilds.  

Take note that primary guilds give the least stat improvements, and
guilds give, by far, the most stat improvements per level you take.