Guild mentor

Guild Mentors are level 20 primary guild members who have 
been voted for by the members of their respective guild.
The Mentor gains the ability to transport to his guild 
and to view the skills and spells of newbie guild members.

Voting for a guild mentor works as follows:

Each guilds' leader room has two new commands: vote and poll.
'vote  for mentor' will allow you to place a vote for
.  must be a primary member of your guild of 
level 20 or higher.  You must be level 10 or higher in your
primary guild to vote for a mentor, and you can only vote
once per voting cycle.  
'poll mentor' lists all the current votes for guild mentor
that have been placed during that voting period.  'poll'
also lists how much time is left in the current voting cycle.
Voting periods are two weeks in length.  Each guild has a 
different day and time of the week that votes will be 
counted and a new mentor elected to office.
In the event that there are NO votes placed during a vote
cycle, anyone who is a guild mentor will lose the title.
This is because a guild mentor should be elected because
he is helping newbies learn the guild. If there are no
new guild members during a week, or no high members of 
that guild have helped their underlings, then nobody should 
receive the benefits of being a mentor.

Once you become a guild mentor, you will gain access to
the guildmentor command (help guildmentor), as well as
a flag on your guild channel.