Abjurer paths

              Shu Path     Feng Path
              Harm            Asphyx
              Tree Chi      Wind Chi
                    \         /
Lei Path                 |            Huo Path
Electric                 |                Fire
Thunder Chi              |            Fire Chi
      \                  |             /
 Raindancer - (Water) - Phys - (Fire) - Mwanga
      /                  |             \
Ocean Chi                |          Heaven Chi
Acid                     |      Disintegration
Hai Path                 |           Tian path
                     /         \
              Lake Chi    Mountain Chi
              Poison              Cold
              Chih path      Shan Path

The above diagram shows the relationship between the different paths
available to the abjurer.  The four elements are balanced with
each other, and each provides access to a greater understanding of
two elemental schools of protection.

Raindancer is opposed to Mwanga, therefore one who joins Raindancer
cannot join Mwanga, or any of its tertiaries.  The same is true for
Herbalist versus Yamabushi.

The abjurer secondary guilds contain the skills "chi control" and
"chi strength".  "Chi strength" allows the abjurer to cast an AC
improving protection spell on two targets.  The "chi control"
skill increases the duration of the AC prots.

You may study the two elemental paths allowed by a secondary or a
single elemental path and the physical path.  It is important to note
that in order to acquire the physical path one must complete the
entire mini-path for a single element first.

The minipaths follow the naming convention:
[name] Tzu --> [name] Wu --> [name] Shih

Tzu: Provides [path] chi ability (you may cast elemental resistance on two
targets at once)
Wu: Provides [path] chi knowledge (increase the percent resistance)
Shih: Provides [path] chi intensity (you may cast spell on three targets)