Mud client

If you're using telnet to connect to RetroMUD, you've likely got some
annoying "features" to your interface: maybe what you're typing doesn't
echo to your screen as you type it; maybe what you're trying to type
scrolls up the screen getting mixed in with what other people are saying;
maybe lines wrap oddly or not at all; maybe you have no backspace or
delete; maybe you don't like typing your commands and getting your output
in the same window; etc.  A MUD client will solve those problems. A MUD
client is a program written especially for connecting to MUDs. You can
download some MUD clients that are freeware, and some that are shareware.
You can choose very simple MUD clients if you just want to be able to
connect to RetroMUD and communicate with others; you can also find MUD
clients that have lots of fancy features such as macros and local editing. 

*MUD client for PC:
*MUD client for Macs:
*MUD client for LINUX: