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Capture the flag (CTF) is a set of arenas dedicated to    |
player versus player (PvP) killing and maiming.           |
There are several arenas sprinkled through the Retroverse,|
each with its own quirks and strategies.                  |
                       Rules +---------------------------~+
Ingame   :  There are no rules.  Do whatever you need to  |
            do to kill your oppononents.                  |
Metagame :  Player killing is legal while you are in the  |
            arena during a legitimate game.  There will   |
            be no tolerance for player killing outside of |
            the arena.                                    |
            It is forbidden to teleport anybody into or   |
            out of the arena.  Please don't force me to   |
            make the arenas TP2.                          |
                    Mechanics +--------------------------~+
Each arena has its own joining room.  The commands of the |
joining room are in its description and should be         |
self-explanatory.  Players should gather in this room and |
get ready for the match.                                  |
When somebody uses the 'start' command the match will     |
begin.  Everybody who signed up will be teleported to     |
their teams start position.  Once the game is started     |
nobody else may join.                                     |
Only one game may be underway at any given time.          |
                    Equipment +---------------------------|
There will be combat in the arena and so your gear        |
can be expected to take wear and tear.                    |
The arena acts like a normal area so dropping your gear   |
is not a good idea.                                       |
                     Scoring +---------------------------~+
Points are scored by grabbing the flag, surviving the     |
run to the opponents base and throwing it through the     |
enemy goal hoop.  One goal equals one point for your      |
team.  You can score own goals by throwing the flag       |
through your own hoop, so be careful!                     |
Players can rack up individual score by killing other     |
players.  These points do not count towards whether your  |
team wins or loses.                                       |
You can retrieve the game score by using the ctf command: |
ctf score                                                 |
                    Strategies  +------------------------~+
Each arena is designed for different amounts of players,  |
and has its own combination of toys, tricks, and bonus    |
areas.                                                    |
You are allowed to form, disband, and reform parties      |
while in the arena.  This will be of use when creating a  |
strategy.                                                 |
There is a team channel built into the "ctf" command that |
will allow you to coordinate team efforts.                |
Usage:  ctf teamspeak                            |
                     Panic +------------------------------|
If you are stuck in the arena for any reason you can use  |
the 'panic' command at either goal post to be returned    |
to Sungate                                                |
                      Arenas +---------------------------~+
Wysoom: Three islands poke out from the rolling oceans of |
        the blue planet.  Rope bridges connect up the     |
        islands for those who can't swim or fly between   |
        them.  Siege weapons have been constructed as     |
        tactical tools. (16-32 players).                  |
Welstar: An abandoned cathedral in the middle of a thick  |
         forest.  Shrines to the gods lie out in the      |
         forest, but will you have enough time to reach   |
         them? (16-32 players)                            |
Perdow: An in your face arena for smaller groups.         |
         Specially designed to maximize conflict potential |
        by cramming people into a confined space this     |
        arena is the best place to settle the score       |
        between small groups of players (2-8 players)     |
Crypt: Torturous tunnels lead into mid air before         |
       dropping down deeper into the depths of the dead   |
       planet.  Pools of magma and sulphur make getting   |
       lost in this multilevel dungeon a painful          |
       experience.  (16-32 players)                       |
Raji: Several large islands float in a sea of boulders.   |
      This sprawling map allows for multiple parties to   |
      seek out objectives that will help the overall      |
      efforts of their team.  (32-64 players)             |
 -----------------------------------fonts by figlet-------~+