
Players can nominate each other for RPPs by voting for them.  A
player can vote for one person each day, and it must be a different
person each time. RPPS are awarded at a rate of one RPP per vote.

The purpose of voting is so that the role-playing community has the
opportunity to judge role-players on several merits: news posts, 
role-playing plots (i.e., role-playing performed between characters 
'in person'), channel conversations, and books, among other critera.  
A reason must always be supplied when voting, and all reasons are 
logged. Blatant favoritism can result in loss of RPPs and voting rights.

Cumulative votes are awarded and reset every 7 days on Saturday, 6 AM CST.

You can vote for a different person each day (max. 7 votes per week).

The ability to vote is treated as being at the character level. For 
players with multiple characters, roleplaying experienced on one character
should not result in votes being given by another of their characters.
Multiple characters of one player may vote for the same other character
during a given week only if they have independent reasons for voting for
them, such as having interacted with them personally on separate occasions.
The exception to this is RP news. RP news is treated as metagame for
RP voting purposes. Even if a player has multiple voting-capable alts, they
should not vote for the same other character more than once in a week on
the basis of news posts.