Roleplay locations

    RetroMUD is a place that encourages roleplay if the player so 
    chooses to be a part of it. The MUD works on a system of roleplay 
    points (HELP RPP). The channels of RetroMUD (HELP CHANNELS) are 
    considered to be OOC(HELP OOC), however, there are world channels 
    reserved specifically for the purpose of roleplaying. To gain 
    access to these channels you must have 20 RPP, which can be 
    obtained through established roleplayers on the MUD voting for 
    you(HELP VOTING). You can also get RPP from sending stories to 
    the roleplay news group(HELP NEWS). Players that do not have the 
    required 20 RPP usually roleplay in person, through tells, or on 
    party channels.