Newbie rules

The term newbie is derived from the word "new", meaning you are new
to the game.  As a result, people treat you differently, and the
rules are specifically modified to help you adapt to the rigors
of the very harsh RetroMud Universe.  Being young, weak, and
basically a pipsqueak in a world that revolves around mass slaughter
and violence is difficult already without the extra hindrance of
a lack of rules-knowledge.  We at RetroMud recognize this plight
and have tried to remedy it somewhat.

What constitutes a newbie is determined by level, however, and not
measure of experience.  There are thirtieth level players who still
don't know how to play this game but by that time our accountability
for helping you out is long past - as a result, being a newbie
only extends to the 20th level.

Newbies get the advantages listed in 'help newbie advantages'.

Note that when it comes to being judged by the harassment rules,
newbies are prosecuted like anybody else - level is not a form
of protection, it is a form of weakness.  By being a newbie, all
rules which apply to other players apply to you, including conduct
(HELP HARASSMENT, HELP CONDUCT).  In many cases, players who have
a gripe but wish to be anonymous will create a new character for
this purpose - these are not by any interpretation considered