
Emotes are a way of expressing your characters emotions.  Examples include
nodding to other characters in agreement, bowing, smiling, burping,
or what have you. 

//  The use of a target //
  Emotes can target any other player or any object in your inventory or the
room. They can also target any any item that you can look at in the room, 
including aspects of the sky and weather. In rooms that do not require
you can target "floor" or "ground." In indoor rooms, you can target "wall" 
or "ceiling." Some emotes will demand that you supply a target for it to 
work. You can also use emotions at yourself. Targets with multiple words
should have the words separated by underscores.
    Examples :
              [1] slap talien     (output) You slap Talien on the cheek.
              [2] spit talien     (output) You spit on Talien.
              [3] laugh talien    (output) You laugh at Talien.
              [4] eye black_guard (output) You eye Black guard

// The use of adverbs //
  By adding adverbs at the end of feelings, you can enhance your emotes.
Adverbs can be listed by typing 'adverbs'. Most adverbs can be abbreviated
by using the first 3 or more letters of the adverb, if 2 adverbs or more 
exist with the same beginning then you will have to use additional letters.

    Examples :
              [1] grin dem       (output) You grin demonically.
              [2] fart talien    (output) You fart on Talien mercilessly.
              [3] smile weak     (output) You smile weakly.

// Targeting areas //
   To make emotes complete an 'area' may sometimes be considered. Emotes
also support the slot on a living being. If the slot name is valid, the
may be included in the message. If multi-word slots are desired, the words
must be separated by underscores. If the target has more than one of the
you may enter the plural of that slot as an argument.

  Examples :
         [1] kick talien cheer head   (output) You kick Talien's head
         [2] poke talien eyes         (output) You poke Talien in the eyes.
         [3] punch talien left_leg    (output) You punch Talien in the left

// Multi - definition emotes //
   Some emotes will have more then one definition.  For example, tap:
with no argument, you tap your foot impatiently.  If you tap someone else,
it taps them on the shoulder.

NOTE:  Whizz, from BatMUD, originally wrote this code, and freely
distributed it.