
Built in aliases

alias     |   cmd
da        |    drop all *
i, inv    |    inventory
la, exa   |    look at *
l         |    look
h         |    history
ga        |    get all
gac       |    get all from corpse *
r         |    report *
'         |    say *
>         |    tell *
:         |    emote *
p'        |    party say *
pf        |    party follow
pff       |    party force follow
pfu       |    party force unfollow
ppf       |    party place front
ppm       |    party place middle
ppb       |    party place back
ps        |    party status
pss       |    party status short
pssa      |    party status short all
psp       |    party status percent
po        |    party order *
pu        |    party unfollow
E         |    run east, similarly for W,N,S,NE,NW,SE,SW,U,D

NOTE: when using autoloot, the MUD will use the command:

gac  in room

on each corpse (HELP AUTOLOOT). Overriding the gac builtin
(HELP COMMAND) may change the behavior of autoloot. This
can be useful if done with care, but be cautious of
creating a command with that name accidentally.