
This command is used to advance your level in either a guild you are part
of or in an adventurer's guild.  There are a few things that should be
known about each type of level (adventuring levels and guild levels):

--- You need "free adventuring levels" to be able to advance in a guild. 
Which means that you need to advance first in an adventurer's guild before
gaining guild levels.

--- You can have as many adventuring levels as you wish but only as many
guild levels as you have adventuring levels.

--- Guild levels always give more bonuses than adventuring levels.

--- Total guild levels can be found by totaling the amount of guild
levels you have in each guild you are part of.

--- Adventuring levels can be obtained by going to an adventurer's guild
and typing 'advance' in the Adventurer's Training Room (some adv guilds
might have "Advancement" rooms instead- these are the same thing).

--- Guild levels can be obtained by going to the advancement room in the
guild you want to advance in and typing 'advance'.  Sometime the rooms are
clearly marked "Advancement Room," sometimes they're not.  This will also
be the room where you donate dues (HELP GUILD DUES) for relevant primary

--- The cost of the next level may be checked at any type by typing 'show
exp' (HELP SHOW) or by typing 'cost ' in the advancement room, or
'list' to
see the cost for all levels.

Total adventuring levels and guild levels are shown at the top when you
type 'score', and it'll look something like this:

Level: ##  Exp: ...  Money: ...  Bank: ...  PE: ...
Guilds (##): (##) Primary guild, (##) Next guild, (##) Next guild, etc.