
The following commands exist on RetroMUD. () around part of a command indicate that that part is optional. []indicates that the text should not be taken literally.
help ([topic]) Gives you help. If you specify a topic, you get help on that topic. If you just type help, you will either get help on where to find other help, or you will be put into a help menu.
tell [player] [message] Sends the string [message] to the player whose name is [player] anywhere on the mud. Some LPMuds do not allow players to tell to one another as it is viewed unrealistic.
say [message] Sends [message] to everyone who is in the same mud room as you. This command is almost always aliased to "'", such that "'hi!" is the same thing as typing "say hi!".
who Gives you a list of everyone connected to that mud.
look Gives you a description of the mud room in which you are in.
look at [object] Gives you a description of the object in question.
n for north,
s for south,
ne for north east
and so on
To move around
get [item name] To get something
wear [item] To wear something
wield [weapon] To wield a weapon
kill [monster name] To kill something